"By His Stripes We Are Healed"

"First I would like to thank all of you who have supported Christian Charities of Africa in 2016 with your prays and donations. We had enough donations to support all of our programs and had some left to start 2017."
Papa Charlie

Our motto for our medical ministry is to "Awaken love and empower the people to live an abundant life while we reach out to them in love and through holistic care services yet acknowledging the truth that "By His Stripes We Are Healed ".


We have partnered with Khar-ece Medical Centre to open a new medical clinic in Kampala, Uganda. (see Photos of the new clinic)

Facts about the clinic

  • The clinic was founded in February 2017
  • We provide FREE medical care to poor villages all around the Kampala
  • Eric Kulu, a local Christian, runs the clinic for us. (see Eric's bio.)

See our Facebook page for up-to-date stories of lives are we changing through the clinic.

We have supported a medical clinic in Tanzania for the last several years.
Since there's no running water in this area, we just bought and set up a 200-gallon water tank so that can we catch the rainwater for use at the clinic.

Needs for this clinic

  • This clinic is also in need of an Autoclave sterilizer which is used for keeping instruments clean. The sterilizer costs about $3,000.  Unfortunately, we have tried to buy an Autoclave sterilizer in Africa but we cannot find one. If you know someone who could help us find one or if they would like to donate one. Please contact us at 601-720-6347.
  • Click here for information on how you can donate.